Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Did Schwarzenegger say f**k you to legislature?

(CNN) - Was Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's message to state lawmakers unhappy - or obscene?

That's the current debate in California after the governor sent a letter directed to "Members of the California State Assembly" that appeared to have a subtle but pointed message hidden within the text.

The seven-line note in which the California Republican blasts the legislature for not advancing his administration's proposals on a host of issues appears innocuous enough at first glance.

But upon closer examination, the first letter of every line collectively spells 'f**k you'.

A spokesman for Schwarzenegger said the governor had no intent of hiding the message within his note, calling it a mere "coincidence."

–CNN's Carey Bodenheimer contributed to this story.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

We teach our children to be life long learners, "schooling for instruction," and yet we provide no guidance for this life, no "schooling for life." We raise a generation of cognitively proficient adults but no framework of morals to construct their actions. As Douglas Stewart emphasizes, we fail to humanize our students or as Nel Nodding wrote, we didn't teach them to "care."

Monday, October 19, 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009

A hot debate about head of state